Monday, October 18, 2010

Brother, can you spare some motivation?

Yeah, it's been over a month now. Halo has done a pretty good job of both keeping me indoors and killing any and all motivation for lifting. Well, it's not just Halo, but there really is not coincidence that I go off the grid for a month and Halo released a month ago.

I've really found myself without any type of motivation. I dunno if I was just depressed or something, but my life just fell into a cycle of trying to do as little as possible. I'm still not terribly motivated, but maybe if I just start up again, I can get some momentum.

I've only got around 2 1/2 months until my son is born. I really want to be in better shape so that I'm not a bad fitness role model for him. I think I'm gonna use his birth as a goal. I'm going to try to get in as good shape as possible for when he gets here. The clock starts now.

I plan to keep lifting during lunch breaks, but now I'm thinking I will stop by the gym on my way home and get around 30 minutes of some kind of cardio. If I can keep that up(or even start to begin with), I believe I can find myself at a much lighter weight by the new year. I also plan on putting big red X's on days that I complete this. So here I go.