Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday was my first chance to run since the Rumpshaker 5K. Now, I'm trying to figure out why it hurt so bad.

After the 5k, I really didn't hurt much. I was pretty tired, but was not in much pain overall. Yesterday, I went for a run at 4 minutes running and 2 minutes walking for 30 minutes. I came back hurting so badly. The run itself didn't hurt. It was just afterward.

Today, the bottom of my feet are sore and I'm almost expecting to see my patellar tendinitis to start acting up. Since I delayed Monday's run, I really don't want to have to push back today's as well. I would much rather get back on schedule.

I've noticed that running is quickly becoming a habit to me. It has since stopped being "that thing I'm trying" and now rests at "that thing I do." I believe the 5k helped do that.

I have been scanning for more 5k's and I have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a place that collects them all. It seems like every website and running store has a different list. I guess it has something to do with sponsorships. Anyways, I found a race for Haiti that starts at a local elementary school. I think I'm going to sign up for that.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

First 5k complete

Evan and I completed our the Rumpshaker 5k this morning and it was a real eye-opener. We found out that we are still no where near being in shape.

I finished in 45 minutes 36 seconds. Evan finished in one second earlier thanks for his surprise last-second dash at the finish line. It was pretty funny.

I realize that I've got a long way to go. If I end up running a marathon at this pace, then I'd finish in over 6 hours. Luckily, there's still almost a full year until the Mercedes Marathon. I'm sure I'll be much faster by the time it comes around.

Overall, the 5k was really a positive experience. I'm really digging this new T-shirt. Also, it'll be great to see me beat my time. I guess I had better get to looking for the next 5k.

We might end up pushing back Monday's run. There's a good chance that we'll be hurting for the next couple of days.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I might just be a runner after all

Yesterday's run felt like a real turning point in two different ways.

First off, I really felt that I needed to run and my drive to get it done was very strong. Evan and I got distracted and didn't get a chance to go running until around 7:00 p.m. At first, we were thinking we would skip and just run on Tuesday, but I really felt like it had to be done on time. So, we got our running clothes on and headed out.

Secondly, running was not hard at all yesterday. Even with the extra minute tacked onto our jogging time, I didn't feel like it was a harder run at all. This might be because of the rest that I got over the weekend, but I'm always eager to attribute anything positive to progress.

Today, I'm going to try to go for a bike ride with my wife so that I can get in some cross training. I might even go to the gym after work.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Excited on a Monday?

Today, Evan and I start running for 3 minutes and walking for 2. I have to say that I am actually excited about running. Instead of it feeling like something I have to do, it feels more like something I want to do. I think that is because of the progress I have seen myself make.

Last week's running got really easy by the end of it and I'm thinking that by the end of this week, I'll be getting to where running a full mile won't be too tough. My legs tend to ache pretty bad after a run, but the pain has gotten less and less severe as I've kept it up.

What I'm hoping for is to get to a point where running doesn't hurt that bad and I can just keep going for as long as I like. Currently, I feel like this point is not too far away.

I've been getting a few remarks about how I look like I've lost weight. That does wonders for my motivation. After my mother-in-law noticed and then my best friend remarked on how I looked thinner, I find myself looking to push to the next level. I think this kind of motivation will see me return to the gym to get some weight training added to my running.

This weekend is the Rumpshaker 5k. I was thinking I might skip it because of how far back the flu pushed my training, but I really want to get a 5k time. I just got to talk Evan into it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Feeling great

I got my running done on time Wednesday and really enjoyed it despite the fact that I had to run alone.

After having the flu myself, my wife felt it was her duty to pick up a case of strep throat. So I had to tell Evan to get his running at our folk's house so that he wouldn't pick up strep.

On Thursday, I was hurting pretty bad. My calves and shins and the bottom of my feet were really aching. I didn't try to do any cross training and just let my legs rest. Today, I'm feeling really good. I can't wait to get home and do today's run.

That makes me wonder: Is there ever a point where you just go running and don't hurt like hell afterward? I've gotten a good bit of pain through these first runs and I've always hurt when the run is done. I'm hoping it will get better as I lose more and more weight. Once I'm up to running miles in the double digits, I'm thinking I'll be hurting a lot more.

Evan and I are undecided this week about the upcoming Rumpshaker 5K. The flu really put a wrench in the works as far as our training is concerned, but I'd hate to miss the chance to find out a time on my 5K. I feel that it would be a great way to track progress.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feeling good

Yesterday was my first full run after having the flu and it felt great. Evan and our cousin, Ben, both came running with me and it is always easier when other people are with me.

The best thing about yesterday's run is that I feel great today. I'm not sure how it works, but I find that I have tons of energy when I wake up on the morning after a run. I have to keep this up, because I have really great days at work with all the energy that running gives me.

Today, I was going to start cross training on my new bike that I got for my birthday. That might not happen because my wife started showing signs that she might be getting the flu. I don't know if I can wander off from her if she needs me to take care of her.

Later today, I will figure out how I'm going to rearrange my running schedule. I'll need to jump over an originally planned week and head for a harder one if I want to be running for 30 solid minutes by the middle of May. I'm sure there's some place I can skip.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Back into the routine

Okay, so the flu is completely gone and I'm ready to run again. I can tell that it has really affected my physical ability, but I'm going to push through and get back on schedule to finish my training on time for the Mercedes Marathon.

I'll have to change up some things and I think the first phase of training may get a little harder for me and Evan, but I do believe I can get us back on track despite the last 2 weeks.

Yesterday, my wife bought me a bicycle for my birthday. I was very excited about the cross training possibilities before we bought the bike. Afterwards, I realized that biking around my neighborhood could really get me into shape. Both Katy(my wife) and myself got home severely fatigued with burning quadriceps. I really look forward to biking on my off days from running.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Flu!!!

Yeah, it has been a while now. No, I haven't been doing much running. I caught THE FLU!

Almost 2 weeks ago, I was having trouble getting myself to run or pretty much do anything. I kept putting off my running because it didn't feel right or it was too cold or almost any excuse I could think of. I'm pretty fond of excuses, but these weren't really good ones and I had been really enjoying running with Evan up until that week.

On Wednesday, my best friend tells me that he has the flu. This is especially important since I had spent Sunday morning with him. Before too long I was getting the chills and fever.

Anyways, I made my way though it, but now I am dealing with the effects of not running for two weeks and am trying to get back to where I was in my training.

I didn't realize how much of a toll the flu could take on you. I tried to run yesterday for the first time in a while and it just plain hurt. Not the good kind of "just-starting-out-for-a-run" hurt, but the kind of burning lungs pain that is reserved for people who really shouldn't be running. I managed to go for 15 minutes before hanging it up. I was supposed to run for 2 minutes and walk for 2 for 30 minutes. I ran the first set of running completely, but only made it 47 seconds into the second set.

I'm going to try again today. I've got to build myself back up somehow. Hopefully I can get back to it over the weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

*Sheepish Shrug*

So, I didn't run yesterday either. I know that's really counter productive.

I was very fired up to go running after work and had myself ready to go... until I actually went outside and it was painfully cold.

I know that someone who is training to run a marathon in February shouldn't use the cold as an excuse. It just became apparent that the run was going to be scoring pretty high on the misery scale and I just wasn't ready for it in the mood I was in.

Today, Evan and I will be running and then I'll have to run on Thursday and again on Friday. I think I'll be okay doing that. I know the weather will be warming up, so I shouldn't have too much trouble. My conscience won't let me miss too much running. I'm pretty determined to stick to the schedule and be in shape by the time I get to Phase 2 in my training.

I'm not sure, but I think Evan got his running done. I'll be doing the Thursday makeup run alone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Warp?

I didn't realize I had missed making a post this weekend. Whoops. It's okay though, Evan and I ran on Friday and it really wasn't anything special. Evan is definitely getting better. We got in over 2 miles and it wasn't that hard.

One thing we are learning about having a running schedule is how to be flexible enough for when life happens. There hasn't been a week, so far, where we haven't had to move around a day due to schedule conflicts. This week has already proven that it is not an exception.

I stayed up a little too late on Sunday night and found myself with an upset stomach on Monday. I really wanted to run, but I just didn't feel up to it. It turned out to be okay with Evan, because he had to take the dog to the vet. So we moved our run to today. With the rainy, winter weather we're having, I might just take my workout to the gym today.

Another reason I need to go to the gym is that I need to start strength training soon. Every running website and blog says that strength training is essential for a runner. I used to love weight lifting and it used to keep me in very good shape. I guess I burnt out on it over the years, because I just about stopped all together as soon as I started dating my wife. Hopefully now that I have an event I'm competing in, I'll be able to hit the weights with a renewed vigor.

Evan and I have recently decided to do an upcoming 5K here in Birmingham. It's called "The Rumpshaker 5k." There will be a giant inflatable walk-thru colon at the event. Sounds like a good place to start.