Monday, October 18, 2010

Brother, can you spare some motivation?

Yeah, it's been over a month now. Halo has done a pretty good job of both keeping me indoors and killing any and all motivation for lifting. Well, it's not just Halo, but there really is not coincidence that I go off the grid for a month and Halo released a month ago.

I've really found myself without any type of motivation. I dunno if I was just depressed or something, but my life just fell into a cycle of trying to do as little as possible. I'm still not terribly motivated, but maybe if I just start up again, I can get some momentum.

I've only got around 2 1/2 months until my son is born. I really want to be in better shape so that I'm not a bad fitness role model for him. I think I'm gonna use his birth as a goal. I'm going to try to get in as good shape as possible for when he gets here. The clock starts now.

I plan to keep lifting during lunch breaks, but now I'm thinking I will stop by the gym on my way home and get around 30 minutes of some kind of cardio. If I can keep that up(or even start to begin with), I believe I can find myself at a much lighter weight by the new year. I also plan on putting big red X's on days that I complete this. So here I go.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Motivation fight

I find that during my quest to stop being fat, I seem to stay within this pattern of extreme motivation turning to apathetic sloth and back. Right now: apathetic sloth.

I'm heading to the gym this morning so I should soon find myself heading back to motivation. I've also noticed that the more I focus on fitness, the shorter my laziness phase lasts. Hopefully, if I keep cycling like this, my less productive phase might actually go away or become a little productive.

The latest release of a Halo game on the Xbox 360 has definitely slowed my progress. It may as well be the blame for my recent disinterest in all things that deal with motion. I enjoy working out, but it hardly compares to giant robot men fighting aliens with lasers. I'm amazed at how bad that reads.

Also, I am hoping to start swimming soon. Running, as I used to do, is over for now. It's very counter-productive to run a small distance and then avoid exercise for a whole week due to the pain. I need to find a way to reduce weight so that running does not continue to destroy my feet and knees.

Friday, September 10, 2010

You'd think I'd write more

It feels like I just updated this blog, but obviously I haven't in 10 days. I guess I just get lost on the web sometimes.

Well, stuff is going good. I've started running again and I'm lifting too. I've noticed that the lifting alone has been helping me drop body fat faster than the running has. I guess there's a reason to believe all those people that tell you that muscles constantly burn calories. The only problem is that I'm not really losing weight as I build muscle. I have a feeling that the muscle gains will drop off after a while and I'll go back to weight loss, but it just seems counter productive sometimes to see that I've gained 6 pounds on the scale. Luckily, my scale reads bodyfat so I can see that my percentage has gone down.

I'm thinking about really sitting down and finding a better running plan. I need something that won't hurt my feet so bad. I guess I can go back to running once a week and trying to swim or bike on the other days until my feet don't hurt anymore. I'll figure something out.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well it looks as if I'll only be posting three times for the month of August. Strangely enough, I've been pretty good as far as exercise goes despite the fact that I keep forgetting to blog about it.

I've been holding up my lifting plan pretty well and it's starting to pay off. I find myself in much better moods and I wake up much easier. Then again, that could also be attributed to the fact that I've been going to bed earlier. I probably get around 7 hours of sleep on average. People keep saying that I had better get some sleep now, because there won't be much of that when the baby gets here.

Anyways, I'm going to begin running again today. I just had to get this new lifting plan locked down before I could really hit the road again. There's something about running with sore calves that really didn't work for me.

The weight loss is still ongoing. I've noticed that the pounds I gained from vacation have started to peel off. I think running and lifting together should really push me pretty far. I'm hoping to see at least 250 lbs by January.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sore again

I forgot how much I love to lift. I'd completely neglected lifting while I was focusing on the running aspects of my training plan, that was a huge mistake.

There's something about a good weight workout that makes you feel absolutely great. I'm pretty sure it has to do with elevated testosterone levels, but I really can't say. Anyways, I've been in the best mood for the last couple of days and I find myself thinking about hitting the weights because I really have missed being in the gym.

The soreness has hit pretty hard in this pursuit of strength. Both my brother, Bryant, and I have been doing that shambling, stumbling walk that only new strength trainers seem to have. Bryant, at least, gets a week off while he goes through law school orientation. I'm still going without him so that I can get used to the routine of what our schedule is. Once I'm done with the soreness of it all, Evan and I will start a newly designed running plan.

The old running plan was good, but I didn't account for how heavy I had gotten. The weight was way too much for my feet and legs to carry for the distances that we were supposed to hit. I'm hoping that a revived running plan plus strength training will expedite the weight loss and lead to longer distances achieved.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's a boy

I took a little time to be AWOL. With everything that is going on, it's hard to focus on my running. I think I'm finally able to get through all the clutter.

First off, we found out a week ago that the baby is going to be a boy. I'm very blessed because a boy is just what I wanted. I'd have been happy with a girl, but I like the idea of a little girl having a big brother(protection and all that).

I'm still trying to figure out how to keep running without all the pain. My feet really haven't hurt since we went on vacation, but as soon as we got back, my knees started giving me trouble. I noticed that if we travel somewhere, I don't ever hurt as much. This has led me to believe that our mattress topper is the problem. It's memory foam and it is ridiculously comfortable. I googled "memory foam joint pain" the other day and it came back with many responses with people having the same experience as myself. I'm not sure if it is the memory foam, but it does seem like time for an experiment.

Today, I start lifting with my older brother, Bryant. He's going into law school and all of his law books say that a proper exercise regimen will keep you from killing yourself while under the stress of law school. That really puts exercise in perspective. So, I bought him two months at the YMCA for a law school present. Now we'll be lifting at lunchtime. I gotta say, I'm really fired up about getting back into the gym. On my way home, I hope to hit up the Y again and get some running done.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Vacation over

So, I got back from the beach on Wednesday and I feel great. My feet haven't hurt in days and I'm ready for a good run.

On the downside, my running plans for the beach fell through completely. I was hoping to get in my run before my wife woke up everyday. It seems that while she can sleep to 11 a.m. when at home, she rises with the sun when she is on vacation. Before I could get out the door, she was ready to hit the beach already.

Today, Evan and I are going to go try some hill repeats. It's not part of the schedule, but my aching feet have really thrown us off the schedule anyways. I really hope we can make up the lost time in phase 3 of our training.

One more thing: the scale is saying I gained around 5 lbs. at the beach. That's what you get when your vacation diet consists of milkshakes.

Now, that I've fallen off the horse, it's time to dust myself off and get back in the saddle.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another new record

This morning the scale told me I had finally pushed through my plateau weight. I finally got to 281 lbs.

I know this doesn't seem like much, but it feels like I was stuck at 282 for forever. It's really nice to see the scale start dropping again. It just sat still for so long.

The scale's revelation has really motivated me to get out there today. I think I'll try to get my hill work done tonight after I hit the YMCA and lift a little.

I'm going on vacation soon, so I'll get to run on the beach while my wife snoozes in the morning. I don't plan to do too much running, but I know I'll enjoy some short distance runs in the sand.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Am I doing it backwards?

I think I might be getting this weight loss stuff all wrong.

Last week, I tuned my diet so that I was getting quite a bit less calories and I was trying to stay active after work despite my aching feet. The goal was to finally break through this plateau I've been experiencing where I'm stuck at 282 lbs. It was almost a sure thing that I'd have it beat by the end of the week. By Friday, the scale read back that I had gained 2 lbs. I've stayed at 284 through the weekend and it kept me a little dissuaded over my failed attempt.

Yesterday, I finally gave into my sugar cravings and had two different soft drinks and a large chocolate shake. This morning, the scale told me I had lost those 2 lbs again. I'm pretty sure I may have invented the greatest diet ever.

Today, I start the new program where I run one day and hit the pool or bike on the other days until my feet recover. I'm still very committed to finishing the marathon in February, but several runners that I have talked to say that I'm just too big to be trying to run so far. My plan is to keep attempting to run, but I will swap out different types of crosstraining until my feet heal up. Hopefully, as I lose weight, the pain will recede in my feet and I will be able to get more running in. Seems like a sound plan to me.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Last week, I spent the major part of the week in pain due to the running I did on Tuesday. I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's really getting to bother me. As I've noted before, it feels like the bottoms of my feet are bruised, especially around the balls of my feet. The pain also seems to like to hang out around the back of my knee. I'm not sure if the two are related, but it sure feels similar.

I'm pretty sure it all comes down to how heavy I am. I was losing weight pretty regularly when we first started all the running, but now I'm stuck around 280. I think this is due to the fact that I usually run early in the week and hurt for the rest of the time.

My new plan is to get a run in early and let it hurt, but instead of missing the next run, I plan to go swimming or hit the bike until I'm better. That way I can keep burning calories. It will help me to not let my lazy side take over for recovery. The hardest part of this will just be taking off my shirt around people at the pool. Other than that, I'm pretty excited about these changes. Hopefully, my feet will stop hurting so much and I can find myself doing much more running.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More pain

Due to a crazy schedule yesterday, Evan and I ended up getting our run in between 11 and noon yesterday. Big mistake.

Now, not only are my feet hurting, but I have manage to rack up quite a sunburn. This one will have to be chalked up to learning a lesson.

Today, speed work is on the schedule. I'm not sure how likely this is to get accomplished. I worked late last night and had to be back up here around 6:00 a.m., so I'm not very focused on running right now. I went ahead and told Evan to show up at the house at the usual time, but I assured him I would be getting a good nap first.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So tired of hurting

I really am sick of hurting after running. I know there are such things as good pains, but I'm pretty sure this is not the case.

It seems like every two days after I complete a run, the bottom of my feet will get so sore that I can barely stand or walk. It feels as if the bottom of my feet are completely bruised. It tends to go away as the day progresses and is usually at its worst when I wake up in the morning. I have no idea what causes it, but I'm hoping that working through the pain and getting rid of some weight might help. Right now, I'm just sick of it and I really want to get to a place where I just tend to feel good more often than not.

That was all I needed to rant about. Sometimes it just feels good to get the complaint out.

I'm working a weird schedule today, so it looks like I'll be moving my speed run to the front of the queue. I'll have to go to the gym to do this since I'm working at the cooler parts of the day.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Accidentally Awesome

I thought I was supposed to run 7 miles yesterday. I failed at that. I made it 4.2 by the time I had returned to the house. This morning, I checked my running plan and realized I was supposed to run 4 miles. Sweet.

I found some revamped motivation yesterday and it was all I needed to get myself out the door. The way Evan and I have been slacking lately had really been wearing away at me and the fact that we were now way off schedule was getting me down. So, I decided to go out and get back on track despite the large distance I thought I was supposed to cover.

It feels great to find out that I actually did more than I was supposed to. My time for the run was an 1:17. I know it's not the best time for a little over 4 miles, but I know I'll be getting better. It has really gotten my motivation up. Hopefully I'll be able to run the seven miles by the time I get there on Sunday.

Also, I bought a water bottle belt since I thought I was going a huge distance. Now I just have to find out how I'm supposed to wear it. I feel like I look stupid with it in front of me and it's hard to get to if I turn it around and it's unbalanced on either side. I guess I'll just have to go with looking stupid. Who am I trying to impress anyways?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trying to find the motivation

I'm starting to see a pattern between how much sleep I get and how motivated I am to run in the afternoon.

The last couple of nights, I've stayed up late playing video games. This has had an amazingly adverse effect on my overall want of fitness. It's very depressing that I keep managing to fail at keeping up the schedule. I've decided to find a way to give up video games completely.

If I can just focus on the fact that video games are nothing buy a time and money drain with little accomplished at the end, I may be able to make it. It's ridiculously addictive.

Anyways, I'm going to try to do my hill repeats today, since I've missed them all week. Hopefully, I'll succeed at that.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Feeling motivated

After a weekend trip tore into my running schedule, I feel pretty good about starting this week.

My wife and I had to go to Athens for her sister's wedding, but I still managed a small run and I got in some strength training for the first time in months. I forgot how good that stuff makes you feel. That little bit has just about pushed me back into a lifting schedule. As soon as I get my older brother a membership to the YMCA, I think we're going to start lifting on our lunch breaks.

Besides the workout I got, I really didn't take too good care of myself. The wedding food was really good and the open bar was a temptation that I did not have to power to refuse. Though, the day after I found myself unwilling to drink alcohol ever again.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Better shape than I thought

I finally got the chance to go for a run yesterday and I was really surprised with the results.

I decided to go ahead and do hill repeats since our previous attempts to do them were... um, repeatedly... foiled by the weather. Evan told me he might be able to meet me, but he never showed, so I ran solo.

Since I was by myself, I took the opportunity to push myself and noticed that I got my mile time down to 14 minutes and I was able to get in 5 hill repeats before heading home. My final time ended up at 59:02. Now I just need to see if I can cram in some more hill repeats and still beat that time.

It was really good to just go out running and and finish that mile with no trouble.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What the Crap? II: The Crappening

So the same thing happened yesterday.

Before our scheduled run, I had apprehension towards bringing Evan to the YMCA since they had just informed me that I wasn't supposed to bring guests in on Wednesday night. So, we planned instead to do our hill repeats. It appeared to be a cooler day and I decided we could head out earlier since it was so overcast. About that time, the thunder began again.

I want to be healthy and fit, but I don't care to find myself outside in a thunderstorm. That's just a bad idea. So now I've got Evan trying to get our Mom and Dad to buy him a YMCA membership. That would make it foil proof as to where we could exercise during inclement weather. Now, we just gotta do something about being fat and lazy.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What the Crap?

Well, I was very fired up to get in some hill repeats yesterday. I told Evan that we'd go running at 6:00. It was a nice and sunny day and we were waiting for the heat to drop off. That's when the thunderstorms hit.

So we ended up missing yesterday's run. After waiting for a little while, we realized the thunderstorms weren't going to ease up. By that time it was really close to my bedtime and we just called it a day.

In the end, it might be a good thing. Now I'm really jonesing to go for a run and I'm excited to see if I can beat my time this week for 3 miles.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feeling better

I guess I was just in a funk yesterday. I believe it to be the effect of not getting enough sleep before a Monday. Today, I'm back to being excited about running.

Today, Evan and I have hill repeats to do and I think we may go grab some new gear before we go. Last week was when we had our close call with the heat, so I'm thinking we may take some preventative measures. We'll probably go grab one of those jogging belts with the water bottles in them and (I do know how gross fat guys look in them) some tank tops.

At least we're starting to actually look like runners.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wore thin

I still feel dedicated to running the marathon in February, but I am feeling wore thin on running in general.

I don't know if it's just laziness or what, but the urge has just not been there recently. Evan and I haven't run our long Sunday runs in two weeks now. It's a hard thing to either force yourself to wake up early or wait until bedtime for a big run. I wish I could run in the middle of the day, but the heat is just killer.

Yeah, I'm just making excuses and I'll find my way back to running. I plan to continue like I always do. Maybe, I'll go buy me one of those water bottle belts or something. A gadget might make we want to get out there. I'll figure it out.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why am I hurting so much?!?!

I know that yesterday was a break day and I really don't have much of a reason to blog, but I really feel led to write... and complain.

Good grief, I'm hurting. All I did was run on Wednesday and two days later my feet are driving me crazy. It feels like the bottom of my feet are bruised. I think I may spend so little time on my feet now that they're actually not used to me using them as feet. I really gotta fix that.

Anyways, we got another run today on the treadmill again. Hopefully, this run won't hurt me nearly as bad. It's just a normal old run; no speed, no hills.

Another complaint I have right now is that I have been properly hydrating this week and I've done all my running so far and I've gained weight. I'm pretty sure that it is just because I'm holding on to some of the water, but I just want to see that scale drop.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speedwork success

Okay, so I finally did some work on improving my pace and it went really good.

I took to the treadmill yesterday at the YMCA to see if I could beat 45 minutes for 3 miles. I know that in the last couple of 5k races, Evan and I set 45 minutes as the time to beat. Since we have yet to best that time, I decided that 45 minutes would be just right for 3 miles. It would at least push me to run faster. Anyways, I was able to finish with a time of 42:55. So I was able to shave over 2 minutes off of what I was expecting. That's not too bad.

My running speed for those 3 miles was 4.5 mph. Next time I'll just bump it up to 4.6 and see if I can walk less.

Another thing that happened to me was that I had intense knee pain last night. I felt fine after the run, but my left knee decided that it was going to hurt too much for me to sleep around 11:00 last night. I got up and took some Ibuprofen and placed an ice pack on it. Around midnight I was able to go back to bed. I'm not sure why my leg wanted to hurt so bad, but that was really miserable. Hopefully, a little more weight loss will make those pains go away.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trying not to die

We learned a valuable lesson yesterday: Do not do hill repeats in 98 degree heat.

I had decided that we needed to get our running out of the way early yesterday and that became a mistake. We ran at 4:00 and it was so blisteringly hot. I didn't think it would really be that bad, but we learned better.

After we had run 2 of our repeats, Evan said he needed to take a breather so we sat in the shade for just a second before trying one more. Halfway up the hill, I felt like we might be making a huge mistake and decided that maybe we should just head back.

As the sun beat down on us, I realized that I was really starting to feel the effects of the heat and told Evan that we should take the shortcut home. A little while later, we made it back into the house, but I felt a little nauseous for about a half hour. I'm pretty sure Evan was feeling the same.

So maybe we'll watch out for those really hot days and try to push those runs back a little. Today, we're planning to do our fast pace runs inside on a treadmill.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How about that hill work?

Evan and I ran our first session of hill repeats yesterday and I felt it was a success.

We ran a mile out to where a nice size hill is behind my neighborhood and we were able to get up it 3 times in the 15 minutes that I allotted for our hill repeats. I did expect us to do more, but I guess maybe the hill was bigger than I expected. We definitely got a good workout and we cooled down on the mile run home.

I'm feeling really good about the amount of running that we're accomplishing now. I don't know many people who can just take off and run 3 miles. I'm still really heavy at 283 lbs, but I'm sure that more weight loss is just around the corner.

Today, Evan and I are going to hit the YMCA and get on the treadmills for speed day. Our pace is somewhere between worthless and non-existent. Hopefully running on the treadmill will help us increase our pace while recovering from running on the pavement.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lazy, but not lazy

Yeah, it's been almost a month. I know.

I really just haven't felt like blogging about running. I've still been doing the running, just not the blogging. I guess I really just haven't had much to brag about as far as the running goes, until now.

On Sunday, my buddy Josh and I ran my first instance of four miles. Of course, I didn't run the whole thing, but the distance is a new record in itself. I might have run four miles before I got to be a fat guy, but I wasn't aware of that distance. Now I know that I have gotten out and gone four miles on my feet in one fell swoop. It's a big deal for me, okay?

I'm trying something new with our training schedule. I find that after our Sunday long run, we're usually beat up for more than just a day and in need of some rest. So I think I'm going to change our Tuesday run into a day for hill work. I'm thinking that might go a little easier on our joints while still letting us get in our running. I was also thinking of making Wednesday into speed day and working on our pace on Friday. It seems like a good plan to me so far. I guess we'll see how it works in practice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Phase 2 begins

We finally made it to the second phase of this marathon training.

Today was the first chance to run for distance instead of time. My time for a two mile run this afternoon was 29:50. So, I guess I trimmed 10 seconds off of my pace for the 5k. I guess we'll just have to see how I do tomorrow(Wednesday).

Tomorrow is another 2 mile run, but we're supposed to run it at a faster pace. Maybe this time I'll actually see some real time shaved off.

Also, we've registered for a 5k on Saturday. I'm really hoping to have a new PR for it. I've really come a long way since the last one we ran, but it just doesn't seem like I'm moving any faster. Am I really walking just as fast as I jog?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It was a big jump...

Owwww. I'm hurting.

I think I overdid it on Tuesday. After running, I decided it was time to mow the lawn and that might have been a little too much for me. My legs and knees were so tired and today I'm sore. I haven't been sore from running in a long time.

Regardless of the pain, I'm running today. I'm really worried about Evan and I falling behind. I really plan to be in marathon shape by February and I don't want to see my procrastinations piling up on me.

I guess Evan and I will just shift the running for this week a day over.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My best excuse yet

I seem to be stuck on this one-post-a-week habit. This past week I have a really good excuse for: I'm going to be a dad.

My wife told me about the new baby on Saturday and that's the reason I haven't done much running or posting. I ended up skipping running from Monday to yesterday with baby-related events. It really showed when I finally did get out last night.

Evan and I are finally to the end of Phase I where we're running for 30 complete minutes. I did not make it. I think the week off plus the stress of finding out about the baby, plus the fact that it was kinda late when I got home, made it a hard day for a run. It was kind of like I couldn't focus. I'm pretty sure I could run all the way, but I just kept taking time to walk a little. I guess my head was too clouded with stuff.

I still felt pretty good when I was done and had the energy to cut the grass. So, I'm just going to chalk that one up to a lack of focus.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New shoes hurt...

Evan and I went and got some new shoes on Saturday. I've been excited about trying them out all weekend. Finally, Monday got here and those shoes hurt so bad.

The guy at the Trak Shak said that Evan and I needed heavy support so we bought the shoes that he pointed out. I'm guessing that our feet were fighting back against all that support. One weird thing was that my right foot was hurting while my left foot felt fine. I don't know what that means. Hopefully, we'll soon break the new shoes in and be comfortable while running again.

As far as the actual running goes, yesterday was our 20 minute interval beginning. We actually didn't make it the whole 20 minutes due to the painful event going on with our feet. We did run for 15 minutes and then rested for 2. Then we ran until our scheduled break and took it as well. So, I guess it was kind of an easy day for us. I'm pretty sure we'll make it all the way next time. I'm thinking our feet will feel fine by then.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sport for life?

Evan and I had a great run yesterday. We're up to 15 minute intervals and we can keep a decent pace, but still keep a conversation going. After the run, we don't hurt anywhere near as much as we used to. It's very encouraging to see all this progress.

I'm still reflecting on my goal of running a whole mile. A couple of months ago, I thought I'd never be back in the kind of shape to do that. It's something I think about pretty regularly throughout the day.

I've decided that running will probably be my sport for life. I've set the goal of one day making it to the Boston Marathon and I feel this is entirely possible. As I keep running, I'll get closer to making the qualifying time. As I get older, the qualifying time will drop. Somewhere in there, I'll eventually make it. I may be 90-years-old when I make it, but I will get there eventually.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ok, so I passed a minor goal of mine.

When I first started this running stuff, I really wanted to get back to where I could stay running for a whole mile. Yesterday, Evan and I definitely did that. It wasn't the fastest mile anyone has ever run, but it was a mile nonetheless so I'm pretty happy about it.

This week, we started running our 15 minute intervals, which really means we walked for two minutes, ran for 15, walked another 2, then ran for 11 minutes. I know it might seem kind of cheap to take our first rest on the front end, but we have to warm up sometime. Also, when we get to our full 30 minute week, I won't count the warm up as part of the 30 minutes.

We missed a 5k run this weekend, but only because of the storms. That was kind of a let down, because I think we're ready to improve on our 5k PR. The last one was run in 45:36. I think we may be able to shave some time off of it, because I believe we can actually run the whole thing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still going

It's a lot harder to post stuff when things aren't going very well.

Last week, I didn't get much running after a weekend of hurt knees. I ran on Friday and it felt great. It was the only day that I got to run in the whole "8 minutes" week. It felt good enough that we went ahead and moved up to the "10 minutes" week, yesterday.

This is the strange thing, running 10 minute intervals was really easy. I'm not hurting today and I don't expect any trouble tomorrow. I actually feel like I'm ready for running the whole 30 minutes.

Another big deal is that I weighed this morning and I'm now down 12 lbs. That is a new record for me as I've been at 300 lbs for forever and now I'm back down to 288. I've noticed that the weight really drops off as Evan and I are getting into the harder runs. This just makes me want to run more and keep up eating right.

There's a 5k this weekend that we should run. It's only a little ways away from where I live, so it won't be too much of a deal to go. Hopefully, we can greatly improve on our personal record.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Slacking, but not slacking

Ok, so I have been slacking on making my posts to this blog. It's strange because I get excited about making posts, but I tend to forget to make posts pretty easily. Anyways, things are going great.

Evan and I took last Friday off to recover from all our pains. It turned out to be a really good thing. I didn't try to do any strenuous activity until Sunday night when my wife and I went for a mountain bike ride. I figured this ride might screw up my run on Monday, but just getting out in the sunny weather and enjoying the outdoors was more than we could resist.

On Monday, I decided that Evan and I would go ahead and try to run our 6 minutes of running week, despite having a miserable 4 minute week. It paid off to go ahead. Evan and I ran the 6 minutes pretty easily and we both started learning more about pacing. Afterward, we even felt okay.

On Tuesday, Katy and I went mountain biking and my legs still felt great. With the installation of some new bike seats, I was able to ride for over 45 minutes and enjoy about 2/3rds of it. The other third consisted of hills.

Yesterday, Evan said he was hurting from Monday's run and needed a breather. I told him that was okay and that I could run by myself. It didn't hurt that I had just received a new armband for my phone so that I could listen to music while I ran. Anyways, the Wednesday run went pretty well except that I have some pretty strong pain in my Achilles tendon. I'm hoping it will be gone by Friday.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Owwwwww some more

So I went ahead and ran with Evan yesterday and that may have been a mistake.

I thought I had rested enough after my very painful Tuesday run, but I'm pretty sure I was wrong. We made it more than halfway through the run before the pain in my lower calf muscles became unbearable. We had to walk it the rest of the way home.

Today, I'm not really hurting that bad. I was expecting the usual sore feet and knee pain, but I actually feel good right now. Regardless, I'm going to make sure that I feel ready to run when Friday comes around and I'm very glad that today is a rest day. I'm hoping to get a little biking in today to keep active, but I cannot decide if that would be a good idea.

I'm still pondering whether or not to do that April 10th 5K. I probably should just stick to my training, but I really want to see if I can beat my current 5K time of 46 minutes and 37 seconds.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday was my first chance to run since the Rumpshaker 5K. Now, I'm trying to figure out why it hurt so bad.

After the 5k, I really didn't hurt much. I was pretty tired, but was not in much pain overall. Yesterday, I went for a run at 4 minutes running and 2 minutes walking for 30 minutes. I came back hurting so badly. The run itself didn't hurt. It was just afterward.

Today, the bottom of my feet are sore and I'm almost expecting to see my patellar tendinitis to start acting up. Since I delayed Monday's run, I really don't want to have to push back today's as well. I would much rather get back on schedule.

I've noticed that running is quickly becoming a habit to me. It has since stopped being "that thing I'm trying" and now rests at "that thing I do." I believe the 5k helped do that.

I have been scanning for more 5k's and I have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a place that collects them all. It seems like every website and running store has a different list. I guess it has something to do with sponsorships. Anyways, I found a race for Haiti that starts at a local elementary school. I think I'm going to sign up for that.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

First 5k complete

Evan and I completed our the Rumpshaker 5k this morning and it was a real eye-opener. We found out that we are still no where near being in shape.

I finished in 45 minutes 36 seconds. Evan finished in one second earlier thanks for his surprise last-second dash at the finish line. It was pretty funny.

I realize that I've got a long way to go. If I end up running a marathon at this pace, then I'd finish in over 6 hours. Luckily, there's still almost a full year until the Mercedes Marathon. I'm sure I'll be much faster by the time it comes around.

Overall, the 5k was really a positive experience. I'm really digging this new T-shirt. Also, it'll be great to see me beat my time. I guess I had better get to looking for the next 5k.

We might end up pushing back Monday's run. There's a good chance that we'll be hurting for the next couple of days.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I might just be a runner after all

Yesterday's run felt like a real turning point in two different ways.

First off, I really felt that I needed to run and my drive to get it done was very strong. Evan and I got distracted and didn't get a chance to go running until around 7:00 p.m. At first, we were thinking we would skip and just run on Tuesday, but I really felt like it had to be done on time. So, we got our running clothes on and headed out.

Secondly, running was not hard at all yesterday. Even with the extra minute tacked onto our jogging time, I didn't feel like it was a harder run at all. This might be because of the rest that I got over the weekend, but I'm always eager to attribute anything positive to progress.

Today, I'm going to try to go for a bike ride with my wife so that I can get in some cross training. I might even go to the gym after work.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Excited on a Monday?

Today, Evan and I start running for 3 minutes and walking for 2. I have to say that I am actually excited about running. Instead of it feeling like something I have to do, it feels more like something I want to do. I think that is because of the progress I have seen myself make.

Last week's running got really easy by the end of it and I'm thinking that by the end of this week, I'll be getting to where running a full mile won't be too tough. My legs tend to ache pretty bad after a run, but the pain has gotten less and less severe as I've kept it up.

What I'm hoping for is to get to a point where running doesn't hurt that bad and I can just keep going for as long as I like. Currently, I feel like this point is not too far away.

I've been getting a few remarks about how I look like I've lost weight. That does wonders for my motivation. After my mother-in-law noticed and then my best friend remarked on how I looked thinner, I find myself looking to push to the next level. I think this kind of motivation will see me return to the gym to get some weight training added to my running.

This weekend is the Rumpshaker 5k. I was thinking I might skip it because of how far back the flu pushed my training, but I really want to get a 5k time. I just got to talk Evan into it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Feeling great

I got my running done on time Wednesday and really enjoyed it despite the fact that I had to run alone.

After having the flu myself, my wife felt it was her duty to pick up a case of strep throat. So I had to tell Evan to get his running at our folk's house so that he wouldn't pick up strep.

On Thursday, I was hurting pretty bad. My calves and shins and the bottom of my feet were really aching. I didn't try to do any cross training and just let my legs rest. Today, I'm feeling really good. I can't wait to get home and do today's run.

That makes me wonder: Is there ever a point where you just go running and don't hurt like hell afterward? I've gotten a good bit of pain through these first runs and I've always hurt when the run is done. I'm hoping it will get better as I lose more and more weight. Once I'm up to running miles in the double digits, I'm thinking I'll be hurting a lot more.

Evan and I are undecided this week about the upcoming Rumpshaker 5K. The flu really put a wrench in the works as far as our training is concerned, but I'd hate to miss the chance to find out a time on my 5K. I feel that it would be a great way to track progress.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feeling good

Yesterday was my first full run after having the flu and it felt great. Evan and our cousin, Ben, both came running with me and it is always easier when other people are with me.

The best thing about yesterday's run is that I feel great today. I'm not sure how it works, but I find that I have tons of energy when I wake up on the morning after a run. I have to keep this up, because I have really great days at work with all the energy that running gives me.

Today, I was going to start cross training on my new bike that I got for my birthday. That might not happen because my wife started showing signs that she might be getting the flu. I don't know if I can wander off from her if she needs me to take care of her.

Later today, I will figure out how I'm going to rearrange my running schedule. I'll need to jump over an originally planned week and head for a harder one if I want to be running for 30 solid minutes by the middle of May. I'm sure there's some place I can skip.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Back into the routine

Okay, so the flu is completely gone and I'm ready to run again. I can tell that it has really affected my physical ability, but I'm going to push through and get back on schedule to finish my training on time for the Mercedes Marathon.

I'll have to change up some things and I think the first phase of training may get a little harder for me and Evan, but I do believe I can get us back on track despite the last 2 weeks.

Yesterday, my wife bought me a bicycle for my birthday. I was very excited about the cross training possibilities before we bought the bike. Afterwards, I realized that biking around my neighborhood could really get me into shape. Both Katy(my wife) and myself got home severely fatigued with burning quadriceps. I really look forward to biking on my off days from running.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Flu!!!

Yeah, it has been a while now. No, I haven't been doing much running. I caught THE FLU!

Almost 2 weeks ago, I was having trouble getting myself to run or pretty much do anything. I kept putting off my running because it didn't feel right or it was too cold or almost any excuse I could think of. I'm pretty fond of excuses, but these weren't really good ones and I had been really enjoying running with Evan up until that week.

On Wednesday, my best friend tells me that he has the flu. This is especially important since I had spent Sunday morning with him. Before too long I was getting the chills and fever.

Anyways, I made my way though it, but now I am dealing with the effects of not running for two weeks and am trying to get back to where I was in my training.

I didn't realize how much of a toll the flu could take on you. I tried to run yesterday for the first time in a while and it just plain hurt. Not the good kind of "just-starting-out-for-a-run" hurt, but the kind of burning lungs pain that is reserved for people who really shouldn't be running. I managed to go for 15 minutes before hanging it up. I was supposed to run for 2 minutes and walk for 2 for 30 minutes. I ran the first set of running completely, but only made it 47 seconds into the second set.

I'm going to try again today. I've got to build myself back up somehow. Hopefully I can get back to it over the weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

*Sheepish Shrug*

So, I didn't run yesterday either. I know that's really counter productive.

I was very fired up to go running after work and had myself ready to go... until I actually went outside and it was painfully cold.

I know that someone who is training to run a marathon in February shouldn't use the cold as an excuse. It just became apparent that the run was going to be scoring pretty high on the misery scale and I just wasn't ready for it in the mood I was in.

Today, Evan and I will be running and then I'll have to run on Thursday and again on Friday. I think I'll be okay doing that. I know the weather will be warming up, so I shouldn't have too much trouble. My conscience won't let me miss too much running. I'm pretty determined to stick to the schedule and be in shape by the time I get to Phase 2 in my training.

I'm not sure, but I think Evan got his running done. I'll be doing the Thursday makeup run alone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Warp?

I didn't realize I had missed making a post this weekend. Whoops. It's okay though, Evan and I ran on Friday and it really wasn't anything special. Evan is definitely getting better. We got in over 2 miles and it wasn't that hard.

One thing we are learning about having a running schedule is how to be flexible enough for when life happens. There hasn't been a week, so far, where we haven't had to move around a day due to schedule conflicts. This week has already proven that it is not an exception.

I stayed up a little too late on Sunday night and found myself with an upset stomach on Monday. I really wanted to run, but I just didn't feel up to it. It turned out to be okay with Evan, because he had to take the dog to the vet. So we moved our run to today. With the rainy, winter weather we're having, I might just take my workout to the gym today.

Another reason I need to go to the gym is that I need to start strength training soon. Every running website and blog says that strength training is essential for a runner. I used to love weight lifting and it used to keep me in very good shape. I guess I burnt out on it over the years, because I just about stopped all together as soon as I started dating my wife. Hopefully now that I have an event I'm competing in, I'll be able to hit the weights with a renewed vigor.

Evan and I have recently decided to do an upcoming 5K here in Birmingham. It's called "The Rumpshaker 5k." There will be a giant inflatable walk-thru colon at the event. Sounds like a good place to start.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Good to get back to it

After a battle with laziness, I made myself go running sometime around 5:30 last night. It truly was an epic battle of will. It was a cold run and by the end of it, darkness was creeping in. I felt good to have finished it though.

I can tell a difference in mornings where I wake up after a run and days after no run. The next day after I run, I can tell I have a lot more energy. My usual wake up is that I crawl out of bed and stumble around the house in an effort to get ready for work.

If I've been running, I pretty much wake up instantly. I can get around the house much easier and it is not hard to figure out what I'm doing. That's a huge bonus for me.

I'm not sure if Evan finished his run. He's kind of a hard guy to get in contact with. I'll find out when he shows up to run today.

Saturday is our expected day to finally acquire running shoes. We're going to try to hit the Trak Shak for some professional advice. I want to make sure that my legs don't tear up from running.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So, yeah...

If you read Evan's posting from yesterday, you know that we ended up not running our second day of actual running. Both of us were sore and the extra resting time was much appreciated.

Today, we'll have to make up the day separately. I'll be able to do my running after work today. Evan will probably get his done in the morning on our mom's treadmill. At least we'll make up for it. Hopefully, we won't be hurting as bad from today's run and will be good to go for Friday. I really don't want to push a run onto Saturday just yet.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rest for My Legs

Today we we're supposed to run again, and yesterday I thought I would be up for it. Today I woke up with some seriously sore legs, so running has been postponed until tomorrow. Friday's running is still scheduled for Friday, and I have to admit I'm feeling really good about this whole experience!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Finally moving faster

Yesterday, Evan and I actually did our first bit of jogging in preparation for next year's marathon. We had to run for one minute and walk two minutes and repeat until thirty minutes had passed.

I realized during our training that I am in better shape than I originally thought. I had anticipated that even this early jogging would hurt incredibly, but I found that I didn't really break a sweat and we kept a conversation going the whole time.

Evan seemed to have a tougher time with the jogging, but that seemed to be off set by the fact that he really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it, but he seemed downright ecstatic over being outside and doing something athletic. I hope he still has that vigor when we're putting down upwards of 10 miles in a single session.

Pain showed up pretty quick once we were finished. Both of us had our complaints, but it seems that our little bit of exercise was enough to get somewhat of an endorphin rush, because it wasn't long after we stopped that we both were feeling pretty good.

Today, I'm feeling really good and I'm not hurting at all besides a little soreness in my calf muscles. Hopefully I'll be recovered from that for tomorrow's jog. If I find that we're both hurting badly tomorrow, we might push Wednesday's run to Thursday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Running Jealousy

So it all started when I had to work the day of the Mercedes Marathon in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm a web producer for the local television station and the only one available to cover the race. So I spent a weekend watching people run these different races and thinking about how I used to run and how I enjoyed it.

I don't do much running anymore. As a matter of fact, I currently am around 75-100 pounds overweight. I'm naturally a pretty big guy at 6'4", but I'm currently 300 pounds. I've been like this now for about 2 years after getting married in 2008. Something about getting hitched killed my want to hit the gym anymore.

Before I started dating my wife, I was a mean 225 pounds and 10% bodyfat. I had fallen in line with some amateur bodybuilders in college and this had helped me achieve a level of fitness that I had never experienced. I kept it up for a couple of months after graduation, but immediately backslid upon the beginning of my relationship with my soon-to-be wife.

Back to the point of this blog; I decided while I was watching the runners enjoy the Mercedes Marathon that my place wasn't supposed to be at my desk when I should be out there running with them. So, I got fired up and decided that I would train all year to run in the 2011 Mercedes Marathon. In my zeal to get started, I mentioned it to my younger brother, Evan, who surprisingly decided that he would run also.

My little brother has never really been in shape. He's always been a giant of a person and, besides a brief season of high school football, hasn't ever felt much interest in being in shape. He is the same height and weight as me, but he doesn't have the athletic history I do. It will be interesting to see if this kind of training affects us differently.

I've found this plan for running a marathon in a year. This plan really looks like it will work for us and it seems pretty simple. I've also developed a weight training regimen and I plan to cross train with my recumbent bike.

My biggest problem right now is my diet. I try to eat right, but regularly fail at that. Evan has a similar issue since he's has been know to devour entire family-sized frozen entrees. I'm going to work on the diet part, but that's really the area where I lack the most knowledge.

I'd like to add that all comments and advice are welcome. If you run at all, then you've got more experience than the both of us. So, feel free to add anything to our running discussions.

At the time of this writing, we've finished two workouts that have consisted of walking for 30 minutes. Yeah, that is really easy, but we're easing into this stuff. Next week we'll be running for one minute and then walking for two minutes. Eventually, we'll be running for 30 minutes straight. That will be right before we get into the "Building Up" phase.