Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sore again

I forgot how much I love to lift. I'd completely neglected lifting while I was focusing on the running aspects of my training plan, that was a huge mistake.

There's something about a good weight workout that makes you feel absolutely great. I'm pretty sure it has to do with elevated testosterone levels, but I really can't say. Anyways, I've been in the best mood for the last couple of days and I find myself thinking about hitting the weights because I really have missed being in the gym.

The soreness has hit pretty hard in this pursuit of strength. Both my brother, Bryant, and I have been doing that shambling, stumbling walk that only new strength trainers seem to have. Bryant, at least, gets a week off while he goes through law school orientation. I'm still going without him so that I can get used to the routine of what our schedule is. Once I'm done with the soreness of it all, Evan and I will start a newly designed running plan.

The old running plan was good, but I didn't account for how heavy I had gotten. The weight was way too much for my feet and legs to carry for the distances that we were supposed to hit. I'm hoping that a revived running plan plus strength training will expedite the weight loss and lead to longer distances achieved.

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