Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well it looks as if I'll only be posting three times for the month of August. Strangely enough, I've been pretty good as far as exercise goes despite the fact that I keep forgetting to blog about it.

I've been holding up my lifting plan pretty well and it's starting to pay off. I find myself in much better moods and I wake up much easier. Then again, that could also be attributed to the fact that I've been going to bed earlier. I probably get around 7 hours of sleep on average. People keep saying that I had better get some sleep now, because there won't be much of that when the baby gets here.

Anyways, I'm going to begin running again today. I just had to get this new lifting plan locked down before I could really hit the road again. There's something about running with sore calves that really didn't work for me.

The weight loss is still ongoing. I've noticed that the pounds I gained from vacation have started to peel off. I think running and lifting together should really push me pretty far. I'm hoping to see at least 250 lbs by January.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sore again

I forgot how much I love to lift. I'd completely neglected lifting while I was focusing on the running aspects of my training plan, that was a huge mistake.

There's something about a good weight workout that makes you feel absolutely great. I'm pretty sure it has to do with elevated testosterone levels, but I really can't say. Anyways, I've been in the best mood for the last couple of days and I find myself thinking about hitting the weights because I really have missed being in the gym.

The soreness has hit pretty hard in this pursuit of strength. Both my brother, Bryant, and I have been doing that shambling, stumbling walk that only new strength trainers seem to have. Bryant, at least, gets a week off while he goes through law school orientation. I'm still going without him so that I can get used to the routine of what our schedule is. Once I'm done with the soreness of it all, Evan and I will start a newly designed running plan.

The old running plan was good, but I didn't account for how heavy I had gotten. The weight was way too much for my feet and legs to carry for the distances that we were supposed to hit. I'm hoping that a revived running plan plus strength training will expedite the weight loss and lead to longer distances achieved.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's a boy

I took a little time to be AWOL. With everything that is going on, it's hard to focus on my running. I think I'm finally able to get through all the clutter.

First off, we found out a week ago that the baby is going to be a boy. I'm very blessed because a boy is just what I wanted. I'd have been happy with a girl, but I like the idea of a little girl having a big brother(protection and all that).

I'm still trying to figure out how to keep running without all the pain. My feet really haven't hurt since we went on vacation, but as soon as we got back, my knees started giving me trouble. I noticed that if we travel somewhere, I don't ever hurt as much. This has led me to believe that our mattress topper is the problem. It's memory foam and it is ridiculously comfortable. I googled "memory foam joint pain" the other day and it came back with many responses with people having the same experience as myself. I'm not sure if it is the memory foam, but it does seem like time for an experiment.

Today, I start lifting with my older brother, Bryant. He's going into law school and all of his law books say that a proper exercise regimen will keep you from killing yourself while under the stress of law school. That really puts exercise in perspective. So, I bought him two months at the YMCA for a law school present. Now we'll be lifting at lunchtime. I gotta say, I'm really fired up about getting back into the gym. On my way home, I hope to hit up the Y again and get some running done.