Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New shoes hurt...

Evan and I went and got some new shoes on Saturday. I've been excited about trying them out all weekend. Finally, Monday got here and those shoes hurt so bad.

The guy at the Trak Shak said that Evan and I needed heavy support so we bought the shoes that he pointed out. I'm guessing that our feet were fighting back against all that support. One weird thing was that my right foot was hurting while my left foot felt fine. I don't know what that means. Hopefully, we'll soon break the new shoes in and be comfortable while running again.

As far as the actual running goes, yesterday was our 20 minute interval beginning. We actually didn't make it the whole 20 minutes due to the painful event going on with our feet. We did run for 15 minutes and then rested for 2. Then we ran until our scheduled break and took it as well. So, I guess it was kind of an easy day for us. I'm pretty sure we'll make it all the way next time. I'm thinking our feet will feel fine by then.

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