Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday was my first chance to run since the Rumpshaker 5K. Now, I'm trying to figure out why it hurt so bad.

After the 5k, I really didn't hurt much. I was pretty tired, but was not in much pain overall. Yesterday, I went for a run at 4 minutes running and 2 minutes walking for 30 minutes. I came back hurting so badly. The run itself didn't hurt. It was just afterward.

Today, the bottom of my feet are sore and I'm almost expecting to see my patellar tendinitis to start acting up. Since I delayed Monday's run, I really don't want to have to push back today's as well. I would much rather get back on schedule.

I've noticed that running is quickly becoming a habit to me. It has since stopped being "that thing I'm trying" and now rests at "that thing I do." I believe the 5k helped do that.

I have been scanning for more 5k's and I have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a place that collects them all. It seems like every website and running store has a different list. I guess it has something to do with sponsorships. Anyways, I found a race for Haiti that starts at a local elementary school. I think I'm going to sign up for that.

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